
I intend this web site to serve my personal and professional interests.
The following links will take you to pages devoted to those interests. I might improve the look of this page some day...

School-Related Pages

My professional page

Just what it says.
Texas Regional Ethics Bowl
A competitive event serving the Southwestern USA.
The TREB is a qualifying tournament for the National Ethics Bowl.
Lonergan Bulletin Board
For conversations about the life and writings of Bernard Lonergan, S.J.
Friends of Lonergan
Papers written by participants in the Lonergan mailing list.
Mailing lists
For discussion of the life and writings of Bernard Lonergan.
For overflow discussion from Lonergan_L or topics not directly related to Lonergan.
Decade Project
Discussion about books that are part of my massive reading project.
For current or former members of Phi Sigma Tau, Lambda chapter.
For current or former members of the Society for Applied Ethics, at St. Mary's University.


Bulletin Boards


Decade Project
A long-term reading project, currently stalled because of professional duties.
I'll Think of a Name Later
For discussion of literature and philosophy
For discussion of the life and works of Bernard Lonergan, S.J.
Last udpated: Saturday March 26, 2011 02:24PM